Conferentie in Dublin over de toekomst van online digitale culturele content (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 17 juni 2013.

Would you like to relive the Cattle Raid of Cooley as an interactive simulation game? Watch Caravaggio painting The Taking of Christ on your mobile, while standing in front of the painting in the National Gallery?

The possibilities for combining technology and our heritage and culture are endless and exciting. The future of digital cultural content will be debated at the Access, Use, Re-use: Unlocking the potential of online digital cultural content International Conference being held on Monday the 17th of June 2013 during the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference will take place at Dublin Castle and will be opened by the Minister for State, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Fergus O’Dowd, T.D. Speakers include leading experts in culture and technology such as keynote speaker, Lord Puttnam of Queensgate, Digital Ambassador for Ireland, Professor Sara de Freitas, Serious Games Institute, Coventry University, UK, and Professor Jonathan Drori, CBE, Culture and Technology Strategist.

The focus of this conference will be on developing exciting new access to online cultural content and devising creative new ways for people to enjoy their cultural heritage. Speakers from across Europe will be highlighting exciting new developments in place across Europe and will be identifying new innovations and new opportunities in the area. All 27 member states will be represented through their Ministries of Culture or national authorities, with additional attendance from key European institutions and associations, the creative industries and all of the main cultural institutions in Ireland North and South. A wide range of representative user groups including education, industry and government, local, national and international, will also be represented on the day. Key European and Irish initiatives in the area will be showcased as part of the event.

We look forward to an exciting and ground-breaking day which will set the course for the future in digital culture in Europe.

The conference is hosted by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government and Libraries Development, Local Government Management Agency and is supported by the Linked Heritage Best Practice Network Project.