Video Litouws voorzitterschap wil Europese eenheid in zonnepanelenkwestie China (en)

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 juni 2013.

In an exclusive interview with viEUws, Lithuanian Trade Vice-Minister Rolandas Krišciunas, expresses hope for a more cohesion in the solar panel dispute with China. He admits that some Member States might be under pressure but insists that the EU will not help itself if it is divided.

Vice-Minister Krišciunas considers that the European Commission was right to impose anti-dumping duties as a study clearly shows that Chinese manufacturers sell their solar panel below their normal value in the EU. He hopes that an agreement will be reached in the coming months with China in order to avoid having to go for a vote of the 28 EU Ministers in December 2013.

“If we want to find a solution with China on this issue, of course we should try to speak as much as possible from the European side with one voice.”