TTE Raad vernieuwt aandacht voor integratie van de Europese energiemarkt (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 6 juni 2013.

Meeting will also focus on progress in sustainability of bio-fuels and the employment of innovation and technology in the delivery of Europe-wide energy services

Luxembourg, 6 June 2013

Minister Pat Rabbitte T.D., the Irish Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources will chair a one day meeting of the TTE Council i (Energy) in Luxembourg tomorrow, during which EU Ministers for Energy will discuss a range of important issues.

Speaking in advance of the meeting, Minister Rabbitte said: “Tomorrow, European Energy Ministers will take stock of our progress over the last six months on important energy issues, that affect each and every European citizen. These will include steps we have taken towards the completion of the internal energy market, sustainability of bio-fuels and the employment of innovation and technology in the delivery of energy services across Europe”.

“Regarding one of the highest priorities for the Irish Presidency, the Internal energy market, our approach has been to frame the discussions around the delivery of real benefits for EU energy consumers, both households and business. To that end we particularly focused deliberations around how best to equip consumers to become a more active driving force in this market.

“The impact of Indirect Land Use change on greenhouse gas emissions is a complex area. Tomorrow we will be presenting Ministers with the outcomes of debates held in both the Energy and Environment Councils as well as the outputs from an ad hoc working party that the Presidency has been steering. The early debates in February offered varying views on the issues involved and the report we will be presenting at Council shows how far Member States have come in the meantime.

“Amongst other discussions at the meeting will be a policy debate on smart technologies under the Commission’s communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation, as well as an update on events and developments in international relations during our Presidency, such as EU-Russia energy relations, and on how energy measures are helping promote jobs and growth.

“What we are all aiming for is creating a low carbon economy which will deliver benefits in terms of energy security, growth, innovation, competitiveness and job creation,” the Minister concluded.