Opmerkingen van Van Rompuy over de top met Rusland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 4 juni 2013.


Yekaterinburg, 4 June 2013


Remarks by President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy i following the 31st EU-Russia Summit

Let me first of all thank President Putin for his hospitality. I would also like to thank the President for having chosen this remarkable venue for our summit which symbolises Russia's Eurasian dimension. It could also be a splendid location for major exhibitions in the future. We have had good and useful discussions today and yesterday evening, reviewing the wide range of EU-Russia relations

The EU and Russia are strategic partners. We share a common continent and history. We gain a lot from working together to contribute to security and stability, to promote prosperity, jobs and growth. Our common aim is to reap the full potential of our strategic partnership. We are also global partners and together we have to find solutions to global economic challenges, issues of global governance, and security challenges in many parts of the world

The EU is pleased to give its full support to Russia's G20 Chairmanship. We share the goals of reforming financial institutions, fighting against tax fraud and tax evasion, and setting the global economy back on track for growth and jobs. We have discussed the steps to take in the run-up to the G20 Summit in Saint Petersburg next September. We are confident that the G20 Summit will be crowned by success

We have had an exchange on the economic situation in Russia and the European Union. I emphasized the restored financial stability in the Eurozone. The Euro is no longer under an existential threat. I explained the on-going efforts within the European Union to stimulate growth and fight against youth unemployment. These issues will feature prominently on the agenda of the upcoming European Council of 28 June

We have discussed our common global security interests and our concerns about the situation in Syria, the Iranian nuclear programme, Afghanistan and North Korea. On all these challenges, the EU and Russia work closely together

On Syria the EU welcomes the joint Russian-US initiative for a Geneva II conference. We are giving our full support to this very important political peace process. The International Community must address its responsibilities in the face of this humanitarian tragedy, which has very serious spill-over effects on security, stability, and economic development in the region and far beyond. The EU will continue to work for the establishment of a democratic and united Syria, respectful of human rights, fundamental freedoms and rights of minorities. I welcome the fact that we have recently relaunched our cooperation on counter-terrorism and are now working together to deepen and broaden its scope

I also raised the need to strengthen cooperation on security in Europe, starting with the protracted conflicts in our Common Neighbourhood. I recalled that we need a comprehensive settlement of the Transnistria conflict. Basic principles for a future settlement should be agreed now. This is a conflict which can be solved

We call for continued engagement and co-operation on Nagorno-Karabakh in support of the existing negotiating processes. We welcome positive developments in the Russian-Georgian relations. It is important to strengthen stability in the Caucasus, based on respect for the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity

We also have discussed the importance of civil society and NGOs and their contribution to the strengthening of democracy and in particular freedom of expression and other fundamental freedoms. Legislative frameworks should recognise this and protect the space for action of civil society. We referred to the important dialogue we already have, even if our views do not always coincide

To conclude, Mr President, let me thank you for your hospitality and the fruitful and open exchange we have had when discussing all these issues. Thank you for your attention. Eojibiiioe cnacuöo !