Litouwen en Ierland bespreken vooruitzichten defensiesamenwerking (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 30 mei 2013.

May 29, Minister of National Defence Juozas Olekas presented to Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces of Ireland Lieutenant General Seán McCann the main themes of the Common Security and Defence Policy that Lithuania will prioritise during its term of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union due to begin in July. The Minister stated that Lithuania would seek closer relations between NATO and the EU, a more efficient employment of the EU Battlegroups, and more attention to the energy security and the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries.

Minister Olekas presented the NATO-led operation in Afghanistan as the persistent priority of Lithuania’s contribution to multinational operations, however, attention to the EU-led operations was also increasing gradually, the Minister said. Late this March two Lithuanian military instructors were deployed to Mali to join an EU-led training mission, in August we are going to join the EU’s counter-piracy operation ATALANTA off the coast of Somalia, and in the second semester of 2013 Lithuanian military will be on standby in the UK-led EU Battlegroup. As Ireland focuses on the United Nations-led operations, Minister Olekas proposed to the guests sharing Ireland's extensive experience the area.

Chief of Defence of Lithuania referred to the visit as a historic event, for this is the first time the Chief of Staff of Defence Forces of Ireland is paying a visit in Lithuania. Cooperation between the countries whose armed forces, the operations they conduct and the tasks assigned to them bear a lot of resemblance, may prove really rewarding. In the Chief of Defence’s estimation, Ireland’s experience in hosting the Presidency of the Council of the EU, which the country is in charge of for the seventh time, is greatly needful for Lithuania now as our country is conducting preparations for taking over the responsibility. Therefore, a great attention at the meeting was also dedicated to a discussion over the Common Security and Defence Policy.

At the meeting with the Lithuanian Chief of Defence possibilities to broaden defence cooperation were discussed. Lt Gen S. McCann stated that Ireland and Lithuania had plenty of similar experience from deployments to multinational operations that would bring great benefit to both countries if shared. “Military training, for example, is a great direction for developing defence cooperation in the short run”, Lt Gen Pocius said.

The visit agenda of the Irish Chief of Staff includes visits to the headquarters of the Lithuanian Land Force, Air Force and Navy, various divisions of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and the General Jonas Žemaitis Lithuanian Military Academy.

Lt Gen McCann’s visit in Lithuania will end on June 1. It is the first visit the Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces of Ireland has ever paid to Lithuania.