Iers Voorzitterschap stelt overeenkomst over 46 miljoen bijstand aan Georgië veilig (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 mei 2013.

Agreement comes after intensive late night ‘conciliation’ talks led by Minister of State Hayes

Last night, the Irish Presidency, led by Minister of State Brian Hayes, secured agreement on €46 million in EU macro-financial assistance to Georgia.

Last night’s deal also paves the way for the EU to give financial assistance to other countries outside in the future.

The agreement was reached in eleventh hour ‘conciliation talks’ which followed two rounds of failed negotiations between the Council, Parliament and Commission, at first and second reading.

Speaking after the agreement last night, Minister of State Brian Hayes said

"I am delighted that we managed to reach agreement last night that will not only assist Georgia but will also unlock EU financial aid to other countries in the future

Other countries that stand to benefit from financial assistance following last night’s agreement include the Kyrgyz Republic, Jordan, Egypt, and Armenia."


Conciliation is EU jargon - what does it mean? Watch explanation video.