Oostenrijker neemt commando Militaire staf EU over van Nederlander Van Osch (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 mei 2013.


Brussels, 28 May 2013 A

Change of command at the European Union Military Staff

Catherine Ashton i, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, presided today over a ceremony to mark the change of command of the European Union Military Staff (EUMS) from General Ton van Osch to General Wolfgang Wosolsobe, in the central courtyard of the European External Action Service (EEAS i) building in Brussels

High Representative Ashton said: "The EUMS plays a vital role in the EU's contribution to global security. Without these dedicated men and women in uniform, who are an integral part of the EEAS, the EU would not be able to work for peace and security in the Balkans, Mali or Somalia. I want to pay tribute to Ton van Osch for the leadership and vision he has shown, in the first years of the EEAS, in tirelessly promoting the coherence of our action, and in ensuring the availability of high-quality military expertise at all stages of decision-making. And I am confident that General Wosolsobe, with his impressive career, is best placed to succeed Ton van Osch and lead the EUMS in the years to come. "

The EUMS, established in June 2001, is part of the EEAS since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and works under the direction of the EU Military Committee and under the authority of the High Representative. It is the source of collective (multi-disciplinary) military expertise within the EEAS, with a particular focus on operations/missions and the development of military capabilities. Its activities include: early warning, situation assessment, strategic planning, Communications and Information Systems, concept development, training and education, and support for partnerships through military-military relationships

For more information:

CVs of General Ton van Osch and General Wolfgang Wosolsobe. Audiovisual material is available on the Council Newsroom and on EBS.

For more information on the European Union Military Staff (EUMS)