Ook Dublin heeft een eigen prijs: Innovatieve Uitblinkersprijs (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 21 mei 2013.

The inaugural Innovation Luminary Awards took place in Trinity College, Dublin during the Innovation Celebration Gala Dinner marking the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference, held in association with the Irish Presidency, and the annual Innovation Luminary awards will rotate amongst the four Dublin region Universities.

Stockholm has the Nobel, Hollywood the Oscars and last night Dublin hosted the first annual European awards for Innovation Leadership. The Innovation Luminary Academy and Awards have been established by the EU Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG) to celebrate and recognise outstanding innovation role models and through this to inspire the next generation of innovators.

The Academy was initiated with the support and sponsorship of Intel Labs Europe, DG Connect i, the European Commission, and Dublin City and were established in association with the Innovation Value Institute and the International Society for Professional Innovation Management.

Those receiving the Awards last night became the first members of the Innovation Luminary Academy.

Introducing the awards by recorded video President of the EU Commission José Manuel Barroso i said "I am very excited to see the quality of the nominees this year and am sure that the Innovation Luminary Awards will fast become a hallmark for celebrating and encouraging innovation achievement”.

OISPG Chairman and Intel Vice President Prof. Martin Curley said "These awards and the Academy into which these individuals enter will prove to be part of that legacy and an inspiration for all who are improving an ever changing world by being creative and innovative."

Intel VP Prof. Martin Curley - “The Irish EU Presidency can leave a legacy of and a trajectory for a new generation of Innovation leadership."

Lord Mayor of Dublin Naoise Ó Muirí said “In the last few years Dublin’s annual Innovation festival has created a significant awareness and appetite for Innovation in Dublin- thus Dublin was a natural location to host these awards”

Professor Paddy Prendergast, Provost of Trinity commented “We were honoured to host this inaugural Innovation Luminary award ceremony and delighted to have such distinguished awardees and guests in attendance.”

Inaugural luminaries included individuals such as Professor Stephen Hawking, Felix Baumgartner, Dr. Alexander Osterwalder and Prof Alex von Gabain and companies such as McLaren Electronic Systems and Rovio.

Also Joan Mulvihill, CEO of the Irish Internet Association was awarded a special local Irish Innovation Champion award for her crusading efforts to stimulate the Irish Internet ecosystem.

The Full List of Inaugural Innovation Luminary awardees is as follows:

Serial Entrepreneurship

Professor Alexander von Gabain (DE)- Chairman, European Institute of Innovation &Technology & Chairman, IntelCell AG

High Performance Innovation

Peter van Manen (UK) - CEO McLaren Formula 1 Electronics

Innovators Courage

Professor Stephen Hawking (UK)

Innovation Courage

Felix Baumgartner (AU)- RedBull Stratos

Business Model Innovation

Alexander Osterwalder (CH)- Inventor of the Business Model Canvas & Best Selling Author

Ami de L’Europe - 21st Century Industrial Innovation

Justin Rattner (USA)- Intel Chief Technology Officer

Creative Innovation

Rovio (FI) Mikael Hed, CEO

Innovation Thought Leadership

Professor Leif Edvinsson (SE) - New Club of Paris, University of Lund.

Special Category: Irish Innovation Champion

Recipient: Joan Mulvihill, Irish Internet Association


For further information, please contact Kathryn Byrne, Limelight Communications on 085 233 6033 or 01 668 0600