Iers voorzitterschap debatteert mee bij plenaire vergaderingen EP (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 mei 2013.

The Irish Presidency will participate in debates in Strasbourg this week on a wide range of topics including banking union, the proposed trade and investment agreement between the EU and the US, and enlargement. Tuesday morning’s key debate on preparations for this week’s European Council will focus on taxation and energy.

On Tuesday morning, Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton TD, will participate in the debate on preparations for the meeting of European Council on 22 May, which will focus on tax policy, and in particular on improving the efficiency of tax collection and tackling tax evasion and fraud with the aim of strengthening Member States' fiscal stance and deepening the internal market. Another item on the European Council’s agenda will be energy in the context of the EU's efforts to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Minister will participate in the debate on the recent agreement between the Presidency and the European Parliament on the establishment of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, which is the first pillar of Banking Union. The Minister will also speak in debates on the draft WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Treaty on copyright exceptions for the visually impaired, and on the implementation of the Stockholm Programme and establishment of the area of freedom, security and justice.

Minister Creighton - “This plenary session - the fifth of our Presidency - features debates on a number of issues which are core to our Presidency agenda.

On Wednesday, Minister Creighton will represent the Council in debates on the progress of enlargement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, followed by a debate on the EU’s trade and investment agreement negotiations with the US.

Minister Creighton stated “This plenary session - the fifth of our Presidency - features debates on a number of issues which are core to our Presidency agenda.

The agreement on the Single Supervisory Mechanism is a significant achievement and the first step on the path to establishment of the Banking Union. The agreement bears testament to the hard work and constructive co-operation between the Irish Presidency and the European Parliament.

Equally, an ambitious trade agenda will help boost economic growth, restore confidence and create jobs, which are at the centre of our programme as Presidency. I look forward to exchanging views with MEPs on this issue, as well as on the other important topics this month including taxation and energy in the context of the European Council’s meeting on 22 May, and progress on enlargement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.

Read Minister of State Creighton’s programme for the 20-23 May.