Dag van Europa: ook EP in Straatsburg opende haar deuren (en)
Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 mei 2013.
Nearly 25,000 people from France, Germany and other countries flocked to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Sunday when it opened its doors to the public in honour of Europe Day earlier this month. Visitors were treated to exhibitions, music performances, information stands and debates with MEPs. These were organised by the political groups and the Parliament, as well as the European Central Bank, the European Ombudsman, the Court of Auditors and local associations.
During a two-hour debate in the plenary chamber, MEPs and the Ombudsman answered questions from citizens on topics such as the turnout in the European elections, the EU budget and financial transaction tax, foreign affairs and defence, trust in the EU and the transparency of its institutions, the fight against unemployment and the recognition of professional qualifications.
The open day in Brussels took place two weeks ago. Find out more about it by clicking on the links on the right.