Raad brengt Gezamenlijk Visserijbeleid stap dichterbij (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Maritieme zaken en Visserij (MARE) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 15 mei 2013.

This morning, Ministers adopted a revised mandate to facilitate the next stage of negotiations between the Irish Presidency and the European Parliament on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy.

Commissioner Damanaki said:

"Council has made a good step forward and really tried to come closer to the EU parliament position in order to find a compromise. I think a deal is possible and I hope we can finalise a first reading agreement under the Irish Presidency. We need a fast deal and this can give the opportunity to the Commission to focus on issues relating to the implementation.

We need to solve the practicalities and at the same time we need to help our fishermen to adjust to the new situation, because this is a radical change for the way we fish. We have to give all possible support to our fisheries sector and our administrations. I think we have positive news this morning and I hope that in the coming weeks, we can work together with the Parliament and the Council to facilitate the procedure to come to a first reading deal."

Watch the Press Conference