Commissie wil dat ACP-landen geografische indicatoren in voedsel opnemen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Landbouw en Plattelandsontwikkeling (AGRI) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 mei 2013.

A conference on the potential contribution of geographical indications ("GIs") to African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP i) countries' economies ("Geography of Food - Reconnecting with origin in the food system") is taking place in Brussels tomorrow.

Developing country producers are already starting to take advantage of the protection offered in the EU by the GI system. For example "Darjeeling" and "Café de Colombia" are both now protected food names in the EU.

Participants will reflect on the existing global and regional legal frameworks for origin-branding for agricultural products and their effectiveness in protecting the value of agricultural and food products.

The event will be attended by key experts in origin labelling from across Africa.

Speaking ahead of the conference, Dacian Cioloş i, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, said: "For producers worldwide, geographical indications offer the chance to move away from anonymous and low-paying production chains. Across Asia and South America, producers are taking advantage of the GI system: these benefits must be extended to ACP countries".

The event is open to accredited journalists, and will also be webstreamed live.

The conference is organised by the EU-ACP Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, in collaboration with the Commission's DGs for Agriculture and Rural Development and for Development Cooperation, the ACP Secretariat and Concord.

>> More details on the conference