Tweede ronde subsidieaanvragen EU-Brazilië geëvalueerd (en)
Two years after the evaluation of the first EU-Brazil Coordinated Call on Research and Development Cooperation in the area of ICT, which resulted in five EU-Brazil joint projects in five areas, the Commission launched a second EU-Brazil Coordinated Call which closed on 17 January 2013.
This call - in the context of the FP7 Call 10 - was very successful, with 57 proposals vying for the available €5 million in EU funding, with another €5 million from the Brazilian government, allocated across four topic areas:
v Cloud computing for science (11)
v Sustainable technologies for a smarter society (19)
v Smart services and applications for a smarter society (22)
v Hybrid broadcast-broadband TV applications and services (5)
For the first time in DG CONNECT i/DG INFSO’s history, the call was evaluated outside the EU (in Brasilia) and it involved both EU and Brazilian experts. The latter were selected by the Brazilian National Council for Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq), an agency of the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MCTI).
The joint evaluation was successfully conducted during the week of 18-22 March 2013. Virgílio Almeida, the Brazilian Secretary of State for Informatics Policy, and Director Mário Campolargo of the European Commission closed the week by expressing their gratitude for the exemplary way the call was handled by the Brazilian and Commission services, and highlighted the quality of the experts from both sides.
The results of this call were released in April 2013. The four selected projects, one per topic, are expected to be launched in autumn this year. Furthermore, it was agreed that resources from the Brazilian programme Science without Borders will be provided to better prepare an eventual third Coordinated Call in the context of the Horizon 2020 programme.
As a pilot trial, 10-15 Brazilian researchers are likely to be “embedded” for up to 12 months with European consortium partners involved in the four selected projects and also with European partners in the 12 research projects selected for funding in the context of Objective 1.2 of Call 10 (cloud computing, software and services), which will be negotiated in May-June 2013. These researchers will be fully funded by the Brazilian government and will help Brazilian researchers become more aware of European research directions and foster future EU-Brazil cooperation in these domains.