Fiscale decentralisatie sleutel tot effectieve lokale democratie in landen Oostelijk Partnerschap (en)
Fiscal decentralisation in Eastern Partnership countries was the main topic for debate at a conference organized on 14 May by the Committee of the Regions (CoR) in Brussels. Being one of the main political priorities of the Conference of the Regional and Local Authorities for the Eastern Partnership (CORLEAP), the issue also served as a basis for discussions at the Bureau meeting of CORLEAP, together with the state of public administration reform and territorial cooperation in Eastern partner countries.
Local and regional representatives from the EU and Eastern neighbouring countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) gathered to discuss the challenges and opportunities of fiscal decentralisation in the Eastern Partnership at a stakeholders' conference organised by CORLEAP together with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.
Opening the conference, Mercedes Bresso, CoR First Vice-President, emphasised that effective political decentralisation can only be successful if the transfer of powers to the regional and local level is accompanied by the corresponding financial devolution. Yet, macroeconomic instability and legacy from the past do not contribute to ease the process of financial devolution in EaP countries and, according to indicators, local authorities in EaP countries have currently little or no control over their own finances. Mrs Bresso therefore insisted that "The local and regional public finance reform should be considered as an urgent priority, a 'sine qua non' condition in the process of decentralisation and strengthening of local and regional authorities in the EaP countries."
EU local and regional politicians shared experiences from the EU countries, underlining that fiscal decentralisation goes hand in hand with the growing debate about devolution in the EU. Their Eastern counterparts exchanged examples of good practices of fiscal decentralisation in countries such as Moldova, Georgia, Belarus and Armenia. Discussions showed that some of the EaP countries have undertaken some level of fiscal decentralisation reforms, but more and further steps are needed to ensure adequate resources for efficient local government.
CORLEAP co-chair, Dorin Chirtoacă, Mayor of Chişinău (Moldova), called for direct access to EU funds for EaP local authorities and concrete action in the Eastern Partnership so as to reach an upper level of fiscal decentralisation but, more generally speaking, to achieve stronger local democracy and further make the case for European integration in EaP countries via concrete tangible projects for its citizens.
The conference was followed by the Bureau meeting of CORLEAP, which was co-chaired by Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, CoR President and CORLEAP co-chair, and Dorin Chirtoacă. The CoR President referred to the recent joint Communication of the European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), which explicitly recognises the contribution of CORLEAP in the development of political dialogue and better incorporation of territorial dimension of cooperation into the ENP.
Mr Valcárcel stressed that regional and local authorities must look forward to develop and consolidate their partnership in order to provide a "territorial" message to the 3rd Eastern Partnership Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held in Vilnius on 28-29 November 2013. "We need to make our voice heard by the Heads of State and highlight the added value of having a territorial dimension in the various policies covered by the Eastern partnership. Our input must not only cover cross-border cooperation but also other fields, starting from the strengthening of grass-root democracy, decentralisation and direct involvement in those policies that contribute to growth and job creation at local level."
Richard Tibbels, Director of the EaP Division (EEAS i), presented the audience with the last developments of the Eastern partnership in 2013. In particular, he referred to the forthcoming Eastern Partnership Summit as a "summit of delivery", having good hopes that, by the time of the event, association agreements, including establishment of free-trade areas, would be signed with Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. He also mentioned progress in mobility, transport, engagement of civil society and public administrative reform, all of which set the basis for closer relationships between the EU and EaP countries.
Mr Chirtoacă also presented the working document that will provide the basis for the political report to be submitted for adoption at the third annual plenary session of CORLEAP - to be held in Vilnius (Lithuania) on 3 September 2013. The report is meant to be CORLEAP's main contribution to the 3rd Eastern Partnership Summit in November.
The Conference of the Regional and Local Authorities for the Eastern Partnership (CORLEAP) was established by the Committee of the Regions (CoR) in 2011 to bring a regional and local dimension into the EU's Eastern Partnership. CORLEAP brings together 36 regional and local politicians - including 18 from the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and 18 from the CoR representing the European Union. Its steering body- the Bureau - is composed of six EaP countries members and six CoR members.
By involving the local and regional levels in the implementation of the EU's Eastern Partnership, the CoR aims to strengthen local and regional self-government in the partner countries and bring the Eastern Partnership closer to its citizens.