13 tot en met 15 mei: eHealth conferentie over een beter en gezonder Europa (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 13 mei 2013.

Major healthcare conference takes place in Convention Centre Dublin (CCD) - Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th May 2013

The use of technology to revolutionise healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes will be the focus of international eHealth Week, taking place in Dublin’s Convention Centre from 13th - 15th May 2013.

The conference and exhibition will bring together the best of healthcare technology and experts in the field of ‘Connected Health’. eHealth Week will provide opportunities for leading ambassadors and innovators in the areas of health care management and technology to share best practice, and to showcase emerging trends in the ‘Connected Health’ industry.

The conference will create opportunities for broadening market development through collaboration between business leaders and policy makers leading not only to positive health outcomes for patients, but also seeking to maximise economic benefits and employment potential for Ireland through the development of new technologies.

The event is expected to attract over 2,500 international delegates and 100 exhibitors including global decision makers from public and private healthcare sectors, clinicians, hospital and IT managers and VIP guests. VIP guests include Taoiseach Enda Kenny i, Governor Deval Patrick (Massachusetts), and Senator Therese Murray, Senate President of Massachusetts. Exhibitors will showcase the best in Irish and international eHealth innovation aimed at solving real problems in the healthcare system.

The Exhibition area will include representation from Canada, Europe and the USA as well as indigenous companies. An exciting new addition will be the EU-US eHealth Marketplace, a matchmaking event designed to encourage collaboration between European and US companies and other stakeholders.

The Irish Presidency / European Commission Pavilion will take centre stage at the Convention Centre and will be host to the Department of Health, the European Commission, Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland and a number of state and industry stakeholders and companies.

Building a healthier Europe is a key priority for Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. eHealth Week forms part of the Irish Presidency's programme aimed at innovative and sustainable health systems of the future. The recent agreement on protecting citizens from serious cross border threats to health was achieved by the Presidency as part of this drive help build a healthier Europe.

The Irish Presidency will host a High Level meeting of EU Ministers at Dublin Castle, as well as a series of talks on Connected Health as part of the World of Health IT Conference and Exhibition (WoHIT) organised by HIMSS Europe*. Dr. James Reilly T.D., Minister for Health will welcome Ms Neelie Kroes i, Vice President of the European Commission and Dr. Tonio Borg i, European Commissioner for Health & Consumer Policy to Dublin Castle and to the Convention Centre.

Speakers for eHealth Week include:

Ms Máire Geoghegan-Quinn i, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science;

Professor George Crooks, OBE, Medical Director, NHS 24 & Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare;

Senator Therese Murray, Senate President, State of Massachussets;

Mr Patrick Mallea, CEO French National Centre for Homecare and Autonomy;

Dr Tracey Cooper, CEO, HIQA;

Professor Gerry Lyons, Dean of Engineering and Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway and President of Health Informatics Society of Ireland (HISSI);

Dr Alexandra Wyke, CEO, PatientView.**

A full list of speakers can be found here.

More Information can be found at:




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