Schulz worried by Moldova political crisis, hasty law changes

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 7 mei 2013.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz made the following statement in response to the deterioration of the political crisis in Moldova and moves to amend key laws.

"It is with great concern that I observe the deepening of the political crisis in Moldova. If continued, political wrangling may blow the country's European integration effort off its course.

I am particularly worried by last week's votes in parliament to amend a number of important laws. Those changes, such as the possibility to dismiss Constitutional Court judges by parliament if they lose its trust, have far-reaching, potentially negative consequences for the country's democratic development. Those amendments were passed too hastily and without proper consultations and preparation. They were heavily criticised by both the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission.

Those legal changes should be reconsidered for the sake of the stable rule of law in Moldova.

I urge all Moldovan politicians to bury their hatchet and push ahead with reforms aimed at ensuring prosperity for their citizens. Moldova has advanced substantially in recent years on its path towards the European integration, becoming one of the leaders in the Eastern Partnership programme. This effort could be wasted if the political crisis continues and private and partisan interests prevail. Constructive cooperation among all political forces is needed to preserve the pro-European orientation of the country. The cooperation is essential to achieve necessary progress towards the finalising of the Association Agreement and pushing forward with the visa liberalisation action plan in time for the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius in November.

The European Parliament stands ready, if necessary, to facilitate the political dialogue in Moldova and help overcome the current stalemate.