Honderden regionale EU-projecten van België en Nederland op 8 mei in zonnetje gezet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Regionaal beleid en Stadsontwikkeling (REGIO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 30 april 2013.

In May, 2013 hundreds of projects financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will be showcased in Belgium and the Netherlands to demonstrate the positive impact of EU cohesion policy on the lives of European citizens.

In Belgium, the province of Antwerp will open the doors to their EU-funded projects this year. The event entitled ‘Europe in your Neighbourhood’ will be co-sponsored by Enterprise Flanders along with the city and province of Antwerp. The centerpiece of the event will be a Citizens’ dialogue with European Commissioner for Trade, Karel de Gucht and a showcase of ERDF-funded projects in Park Spoor Noord, Antwerp. The park itself, a popular recreational site, is an excellent example of how cohesion policy can contribute to social and economic transformation in the heart of a city. The city of Antwerp and the province received investment worth some EUR 80 million in the current programming period.

The event will be held on 8 May, 2013 in Park Spoor Noord in Antwerp, Belgium.

Event website


Projects receiving ERDF and other EU investment will be celebrated across the Netherlands too: 140 projects will open their doors to the public free of charge this May during a series of events called ‘Europe Open Days’. The Northern-Netherlands Provinces Alliance (SNN) will organise this major event for the third time to showcase the most sustainable and innovative projects launched in the last 6 years across the Netherlands and to bring citizens closer to these achievements. One of the highlights will be a 3-day event in the inspiring museum complex of Drents Museum in Assen. The Netherlands has been allocated about EUR 2 billion cohesion policy funding in the 2007-2013 period.