Verslag energiedialoog EU-Rusland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Energie (ENER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 25 april 2013.

On 22 November 2010, the Coordinators of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue, the Commissioner Günther Oettinger i and Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko, organised a high-level conference to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue.

One concrete result reached within the Energy Dialogue was the agreement on the EU-Russia Early Warning Mechanism in 2009. Moreover, a number of joint projects in the field of energy have been realised.

On 24 February 2011, Commissioner Günther Oettinger and Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko signed three documents enhancing the dialogue: an upgraded EU-Russia Early Warning Mechanism in the field of energy, a Joint Statement to Create a Joint Gas Advisory Council and a Common Understanding on the Preparation of the Roadmap of the EU-Russia Energy Cooperation until 2050. This roadmap should concentrate on an analysis of different scenarios and their impact on EU-Russia energy relations, look into their consequences for the energy sectors, elaborate long-term opportunities and risks of the overall energy supply and demand situation and investigate the potential for long-term cooperation in the field of energy.

The Energy Dialogue was further promoted by the Conference on innovative use of gaswhich was held in Brussels on 24 June 2011. The event brought together more than 100 representatives from governments and the industry to discuss the opportunities for the use of gas in the transport sector.

Current structure of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue

The EU-Russia Energy Dialogue is led by the Commissioner for Energy Günther Oettinger and by the Russian Minister for Energy Sergey Shmatko. Political steering takes place in the Permanent Partnership Council (PPC) on energy, which comprises the European Commissioner for Energy, the current and incoming EU Presidency and the Russian Minister for Energy.

Until the last meeting of the Permanent Partnership Council in December 2011 the daily work was conducted by three Thematic Groups. Since 2012, the daily work is now conducted by four Thematic Groups, namely the Energy Markets and Strategies Group, the Group on Electricity, the Energy Efficiency and Innovations Group and the Group on Nuclear Energy.

Gas Advisory Council

Furthermore, a Gas Advisory Council consisting of representatives of leading EU and Russian gas companies and of experts from Russian and European academic research organisations has been established. It assesses the development of the gas markets and will provide recommendations for the long-term EU-Russia gas cooperation.

The work of the Thematic Groups and the Council is coordinated by the Delegated Coordinators, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Director General of DG Energy of the European Commission.

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