Commissie zoekt weg in snel veranderende audiovisuele wereld (en)

woensdag 24 april 2013

Millions of Europeans catch up with their favourite TV series on a smartphone on the way to work, watch online content on their living room TV, or put their own user-generated content online. There are more than 40.4 million "connected TVs" in Europe, and they could be in the majority of EU households by 2016. These changes are sweeping away traditional boundaries between consumers, broadcast media and the internet. The Commission wants to explore what this convergence of technology and content could mean for Europe's economic growth and innovation, cultural diversity, and consumers (especially those that may need protection, such as children.)

Full press release

Additional Information

Commission Press Room: IP/13/358

See also: Green Paper: Preparing for a Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values - Frequently Asked Questions