Progressie in Raad over visserijbeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Maritieme zaken en Visserij (MARE) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 24 april 2013.

The Fisheries Council met in Luxembourg on 22nd April, where an exchange of views took place on the Common Fisheries Policy's Basic Regulation. Discussions centred on three questions put by the Irish Presidency to Ministers: (1) agreement on the time line to conclude negotiations with EP, with the aim to achieve political agreement by the summer; (2) margins for flexibility on key issues (MSY, discard ban, regionalization, fleet capacity management); (3) how to address the institutional issues related to multi-annual plans.

Commissioner Damanaki supported the Irish Presidency's efforts to reach an agreement as soon as possible, and shared the assessment that convergence of positions is possible.The discussion was very positive, and allowed the Presidency to conclude that Ministers had endorsed its approach on the negotiations. The next Council meeting in May is expected to assess the result of negotiations with the EP, with a view to reaching political agreement.

More information

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