Groen groeipotentieel en energie-efficiëntie belangrijkste thema's van Raadsvergadering Energieministers in Dublin (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 23 april 2013.

Meeting also marks first substantive discussion on effects of Unconventional Oil & Gas on energy supply, competitiveness and prices

The Informal Meeting of EU Energy Ministers being held in Dublin Castle on 23-24 April, will address the two themes of ‘Looking to the Future for Energy, ICT and Innovation’ and ‘Reaching our Potential for Green Growth and Energy Efficiency across the European Economy’.

The meeting will be held back to back with the informal meeting of EU Environment Ministers and will start with a joint working lunch on the Green Paper on the Climate and Energy 2030 Vision.

Among the issues to be discussed in detail by ministers are: Better Control of Energy Consumption through smart technologies; The Impact on Energy supply, Competitiveness and Prices of Unconventional Hydrocarbons; Finding the Finance for Implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Integration of Variable Renewable sources in Europe. The meeting also provides an opportunity for Energy Ministers to have an initial discussion on unconventional gas and oil. This will be the first time the effects of unconventional oil and gas on energy supply, competitiveness and prices will be substantively discussed at a meeting of Energy Ministers.

For full Informal agenda and further information please go to the event page