EC wil Kosovo mee laten doen in EU-programma's (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 22 april 2013.

European Commission

Press release

Brussels, 22 April 2013

Commission proposes an agreement to allow Kosovo* to participate in EU programmes

Today the European Commission adopted a proposal that would allow Kosovo to participate in EU programmes. If the Council agrees, and once the agreement is signed by both sides, Kosovo would be able to participate in 22 EU programmes. The specific terms and conditions for the participation of Kosovo in each particular programme will be determined by a Memorandum of Understanding to be agreed by the European Commission and Kosovo.

Other countries that are part of the European Union's Stabilisation and Association Process already have such agreements in place.


The proposal to allow Kosovo to participate in EU programmes was made in the Commission Communication 'Kosovo - Fulfilling its European Perspective', issued in October 2009. The European Commission proposed negotiating directives in March 2011. The Foreign Affairs Council adopted the proposal for negotiating directives on 22 October 2012. The General Affairs Council of 11 December 2012 welcomed the European Commission's on-going efforts to negotiate a Framework Agreement with Kosovo concerning its participation in Union programmes and its intention to come back to the Council in the first half of 2013. Kosovo confirmed its agreement with the draft Framework Agreement in writing on 16 January 2013.

More information

Kosovo Recommendation :

Kosovo profile:

Website of Commissioner Štefan Füle:


Contacts :

Anca Paduraru (+32 2 296 64 30)

Peter Stano (+32 2 295 74 84)


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