DG's Onderwijs bespreken toekomstig beleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 19 april 2013.

On 16-17 April, high-ranking officials from EU Member States met in Brussels to discuss current challenges in school education and ways of working together to address them more effectively and with greater impact.

Meetings of the Group are set to become a regular feature in the European calendar, under proposals to reinforce and focus the 'Open Method of Co-ordination'.

Organised by the Irish Presidency of the Council and the Commission, the aim of the meeting was to allow Member States and the Commission to discuss shared priorities for future co-operation and policy directions as well as ways of working together more effectively.

Over two days participants discussed national policies and reforms in such fields as early school leaving, support to the teaching professions and assessment of key competences. The meeting also provided an update on the results of the first 'Peer review', in March 2013, which looked at comprehensive national policies to reduce early school leaving.

School education plays a central role in the European Union's Europe 2020 strategy; it is key to promoting growth by becoming a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy, and by achieving high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion.

Next steps

This was the first meeting of Directors-General for Schools since 2011. Participants discussed priorities for future cooperation and the content and format of upcoming DG Schools meetings. They agreed to meet twice yearly in future.

The next meeting will take place in December 2013 under the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council. Preparations will also involve the current Irish Presidency, as well as the authorities of Greece and Italy, which will hold the Presidency in 2014.

To know more

European Commission: Schools policy