Ierse premier verwelkomt akkoord Servië en Kosovo (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 19 april 2013.

I warmly welcome the positive outcome of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue today.

As we have learned from our own peace process it is at time necessary to take risks for peace. I commend the political courage and consistent efforts shown by both Prime Minister Dačić and Prime Minister Thaci. I would also like to thank the High Representative for her very active engagement as facilitator of the process.

With this agreement Serbia and Kosovo have gone a long way to fulfilling the conditions for progress on their respective European paths which the Council set for them back in December; and I believe this should be recognised by the Council.

I look forward to hearing further details from High Representative Ashton and Commissioner Füle and considering their reports at the General Affairs Council which I will chair in Luxembourg on Monday.

But I believe this is an important step forward and has the potential, if fully implemented, to close a difficult period in their shared history and to herald a new dawn for all of their citizens.

I very much hope that this important opportunity to build a new and more prosperous future will not only be welcomed but will be strongly supported in Serbia and in Kosovo and in the broader region and beyond.


Note for editors

The Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue began in March 2011 as a series of negotiations aimed at normalising relations between Serbia and Kosovo, following the latter’s unilateral declaration of independence in February 2008. The talks are facilitated by High Representative Catherine Ashton i and the European Union (EEAS i). The most recent rounds of discussions in the Dialogue have focussed on the north of Kosovo, in particular on an association/community of Serb municipalities, and on how to deliver security and justice structures within a single institutional set up.

The EU has emphasised that to open accession negotiations with Serbia, Belgrade must demonstrate concrete progress in the normalisation of its relations with Kosovo. In turn the EU has made clear that progress will also be a key consideration for commencing negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo. Following today’s breakthrough both elements will now be considered by the General Affairs Council to be chaired by the Tánaiste in Luxembourg on Monday.