Woordvoerder Ashton: Tijdens burgeroorlog in Guatemala zijn mensenrechten geschonden (en)
Brussels, 18 April 2013 A
Statement by the spokesperson of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the trial concerning certain human rights abuses
during the civil war in Guatemala
The spokesperson of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today:
"The current trial on some significant human rights abuses committed during Guatemala's civil war is drawing to a close. The conclusion of this trial should mark an important step in healing the wounds of the past.
Since the signing of the Peace Accords, the European Union and its Member States have supported sustainable peace and reconciliation in Guatemala. The consolidation of the Rule of Law and the protection of Human Rights are crucial elements for Guatemala's democratic, social and economic development.
Independent, impartial andfair trials constitute the corner stone of any justice system. The High Representative acknowledges the achievements made so far in building state institutions and reaffirms the EU's commitment to continue its support for the strengthening of the justice system in Guatemala.
The High Representative encourages all parties to engage constructively in promoting dialogue and reconciliation and furthermore reiterates her willingness to accompany national efforts in the fight against impunity."