Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Ashton: 'Montenegro mag trots zijn op geboekte voortgang' (en)
Podgorica, 15 April 2013 A
Remarks by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton i during her visit to Montenegro
I am delighted to be in Montenegro today. This is my first visit to your beautiful country, but I have heard of course a great deal about it from my regular contacts with your representatives, with your ministers
I am actually beginning my visit to the Western Balkans here. This is not a coincidence - it's a signal of the strong appreciation I have of the role Montenegro is playing in this region. This role is a true example for other countries of the region and how some of the issues that need to be dealt with can be dealt with
Montenegro can be proud of its significant achievements. They too are an important signal for the rest of the region
I follow with interest and admiration your progress on the path towards the European Union and the way you have approached the accession negotiations after they were opened last year. I want to congratulate you on the opening and closing of the chapter on education today
I want to see Montenegro progress at a steady pace, but of course as the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister made it clear there is the need for further reforms. Particularly in the field of rule of law where we stress again the importance of the fight against organised crime and corruption. I know that is a top priority for you. And we also know that you are looking at the completion of the constitutional reform to make sure the judiciary is fully independent and accountable
But your achievements so far have increased our expectations. I am really confident, especially after our discussions today, that Montenegro can respond positively and deliver the necessary reforms
Finally, let me just say a word on the Presidential elections, since I know they have kept you very busy in these recent times. We have carefully listened to what international observers from OSCE/ODIHR have said. I know that results are still subject to confirmation. I therefore encourage all political parties involved to work constructively together and to address the issue following appropriate legal procedures
Can I say again what a great pleasure it is to be here for my first visit to Montenegro today. Thank you so much