Handelsministers gaan handelsakkoorden met VS, Canada en Aziatische landen bespreken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 17 april 2013.

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, will chair the first ever informal meeting of the EU’s Trade Council on Thursday with discussions focussing on key trade deal priorities for the Irish Presidency.

Trade Ministers from all 27 EU Member States will be attending, as will the EU’s Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht i. On the agenda for the meeting are discussions around the key international trade areas including the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and a Transatlantic Trade Partnership between the EU and the US.

A senior figure from the US Administration will also be attending the Informal Trade Council. This is the first time a representative of the US Administration will consult with Ministers of the EU’s Members States on the EU’s Trade Council in relation to EU-US trade relations.

Minister Bruton - “I hope this informal meeting of the EU’s Trade Council will allow us to continue the strong progress being made on international trade issues during the Irish Presidency. Key among these is the potential Transatlantic Trade Partnership between the EU and US. Making progress on this is a priority of the Irish Presidency.”

Minster Bruton stated:

“Ireland’s special relationship with the US has allowed me to add an extra dimension to this EU Trade Ministers’ meeting. For the first time the US Administration will attend an EU Trade Council meeting. This will allow direct engagement between Member States and the administration. This can only help increase the sense of common purpose and advance the process.”

On other trade agreements, Minister Bruton stated:

"While a free-trade agreement with the US is a top priority, it’s only one of the deals I am focussed on as Chair of the EU Trade Council. There is also huge potential for the EU and Ireland in the conclusion of new trade agreements with Canada and in the longer term with Japan. We are also extending the reach of the EU’s new trade agreements in key Asian markets where trade talks are underway with fast growing economies such as Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia.”


READ: An EU-US trade agreement will represent an “invaluable boost” for Irish and EU exporters and workers, according to an OpEd by Minister Bruton published this week.

For more on the Irish Presidency priorities on trade, see the Presidency programme.