Opmerkingen Herman van Rompuy na ontmoeting met president Tadzjikistan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 12 april 2013.


Brussels, 10 April 2013

EUCO 85/13 PRESSE 141 PR PCE 74

Remarks by President of the European Council

Herman Van Rompuy i after his meeting with the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon

It is my pleasure to welcome today the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon. We already met twice before; in February 2009 during President Rahmon's State visit to Belgium and I received him as Prime Minister, and end May 2009 as I visited Dushanbe again as Prime Minister

We discussed the domestic situation in Tajikistan and I congratulated the President on the recent accession to the World Trade Organisation. I trust that this will stimulate economic growth and enhance economic relations with the European Union. We also spoke about the need to continue overall reforms; to strengthen rule of law, good governance and economy. Among other things, this would improve the business and investment climate. At the same time, more attention needs to be given to the social sectors, in order to provide the population with adequate education and health care services

The European Union is engaged in Tajikistan by providing development assistance aimed at improving good governance and social protection, undertaking health care reforms and developing the private sector. The European Union will continue its support in the coming years within the frameworks of the EU - Central Asia Strategy as well as the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. This entails, for instance, supporting Tajikistan's efforts on its path to democratisation and modernisation. The forthcoming presidential election should present an occasion to advance democracy and political pluralism in Tajikistan

We spoke about the human rights situation in the country and the need to ensure that these rights are guaranteed. I also raised in particular freedom of association and freedom of religion

We talked about dynamics in the region, including water and energy resources. Solution to these two issues should be addressed in a spirit of cooperation with neighbouring countries

Finally, we discussed Afghanistan. 2014 will be a key year. In this regard it is important to reinforce cooperation between neighbouring countries. The European Union is engaged in Central Asia and Afghanistan for the long haul. I reassured the President that we will continue our efforts to contribute to long-term stability in the region, including through support to border management and combating drug trafficking

The EU-Tajikistan relations are good. Let's continue to work in the framework of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, continuing our work of economic and social development and reforms. Let us continue to work in the framework of the EU-Strategy for a New Partnership with Central Asia in order to keep stability and peace in this region of the world