Humanitaire situatie in Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek wordt slechter (en)
26/03/2013 - Following the Séléka rebel coalition takeover of Central African Republic's (CAR) capital city Bangui, the situation in the city remains unclear. Lootings of humanitarian compounds and people's homes have been reported. The centre of Bangui has almost no electricity or running water for the moment. Just under 30 000 people have fled across the Ubangi River, seeking refuge in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Civilians have also fled to Cameroon.
Humanitarian staff based in Bangui, have grouped together in safe locations and remain ready to assess the urgent humanitarian needs of the displaced people within the country as soon as the security situation permits. In the last 24 hours or so, the health centres in Bangui have seen increased influx of injured people. Medical facilities are ill-equipped to deal with the numbers arriving, and treatment is further hampered by the frequent power failures. The humanitarian situation, which without conflict was already of concern, is deteriorating further.
The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) is a major humanitarian donor in the country and is appealing for independent and neutral access to the civilian population impacted by the fighting in CAR. In addition, ECHO teams will assess the needs of the fleeing CAR refugees in DRC in the coming days.
Related information
Aid in Action: Central African Republic
Top of page | Page updated on 26 March 2013