Eurocommissaris Malmström blij met Duitse opname van 5000 Syrische vluchtelingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 maart 2013.

European Commission


Brussels, 20 March 2013

Commissioner Cecilia Malmström i welcomes the announcement by Germany to resettle 5000 Syrian nationals

" I have been in contact today by phone with the German Federal Minister of the Interior, Hans-Peter Friedrich, who informed me of Germany's intention to resettle 5000 Syrian nationals in need of shelter in the coming months. I welcome this initiative that represents a striking example of solidarity in a moment when Syrian people are suffering the consequences of a devastating situation and I hope other Member States will follow it. I have immediately asked my services to look into the possibility of offering financial help to Germany in its resettlement efforts."