EP-voorzitter nodigt paus Fransiscus I uit (en)
Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 19 maart 2013.
Pope Francis was presented with an open invitation to address the European Parliament on his first day as head of the Catholic church. EP president Martin Schulz i, who attended the inaugural mass in the Vatican Tuesday morning, said the new pope would always be welcome in Strasbourg: "I look forward to welcoming Pope Francis soon, to convey a European and universal message about our fundamental values that we need more than ever."
Mr Schulz joined dignitaries from around the world at the ceremony in St Peter's Square, which reflected the new pope's focus on simplicity. "Pope Francis has always been a man among the people, close to the poor, to those in need.," said Mr Schulz. "This represents a hope both to believers and non-believers."