Eurocommissaris Kroes lanceert Leaders' Club van internetondernemers (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, Inhoud en Technologie (CNECT) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 15 maart 2013.

"On 21 March, I’ll be launching a Leaders’ Club to encourage Web entrepreneurship as a career". Neelie Kroes i seeks to strengthen Europe’s Web entrepreneurial culture. The Leaders Club will consist of a group of influential people in the field of web entrepreneurship, who will act as guidance and inspiration for the European web entrepreneurs.

EU leading webentrepreneurs will lead the way forward and inspire others by sharing strategic views, experiences and best practices on what needs to be done to improve Europe's entrepreneurial spirit and start-up culture. They will act as role models for others and support the implementation of the Action Plan and web entrepreneur initiative.

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