Raad Vervoer op 11 maart over veiliger, efficiënter en duurzamer vervoersnetwerk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 8 maart 2013.

Minister Vardakar to chair first TTE (Transport) Council of Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of the EU

On Monday 11th March 2013, Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar will chair the EU Transport Council in Brussels as part of Ireland’s EU Presidency.

Ireland’s over-riding Presidency priority on transport is to promote a safer, more efficient and sustainable transport network for Europe. The EU has a broad transport agenda covering maritime, aviation and other transport issues.

In addition, Transport Ministers will have an initial exchange of views on a new proposal from the Commission - Clean Power for Transport - which aims to break the oil dependence of the transport sector and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In concrete terms, the proposal aims to accelerate the market uptake of alternative fuels and vehicles adapted to their use including electric vehicles.

Monday’s meeting will include a discussion on the Commission’s Fourth Railway Package aimed at further reforming the rail sector across Europe. Ireland’s Presidency wants to make progress on a key building block in this package dealing with interoperability within the rail sector. The proposal aims to remove the remaining administrative and technical barriers to a single railway market, in particular by increasing the efficiency of the authorisation process for vehicles.

On aviation, Council will note good progress made to date during the Irish Presidency on a proposed revision of a 2003 directive relating to the reporting of aviation occurrences. This legislative proposal aims to improve air safety and contribute to a reduction in the number of air accidents in the EU.

Ministers will also exchange good practice on road safety ahead of a major Presidency Conference on the theme of “Road Collisions & Serious Injuries” at Dublin Castle on 28th March.

Further details can be found at the Irish Presidency Programme for the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.