EU-voorzitter Van Rompuy ontmoet president van Myanmar (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 5 maart 2013.


Brussels, 5 March 2013

EUCO 57/13 PRESSE 89 PR PCE 49

Remarks by President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy i after his meeting with the President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Thein Sein

I am delighted to welcome to the European Council the President of Myanmar, U Thein Sein. We already met last year in New York during the United Nations General Assembly and - few months later, in November - during the ASEM summit in Laos. But this is your first ever visit to the European Union. A special welcome to you, Mr. President!

Today, we had a very good exchange of views on the democratic transformation in Myanmar, and on the European Union's contribution to this historic process

I congratulated the President for his leadership in ensuring a peaceful transition to democracy. The expectations of the people of Myanmar, but also of the international community, particularly here in Europe, are very high

I welcomed the sustained pace - especially of the political reforms carried so far. I encouraged the Government to continue to make progress to ensure free and fair elections in 2015; I recalled the importance we attach to human rights, including ethnic minority rights

We recognized that important challenges remain. In particular, on the need for a comprehensive peace settlement in ethnic areas to move forward in the process of national reconciliation

We discussed also economic reforms. The development of the economy, the fight against poverty, the revamping the civil service, are all key to ensure the success of democratic reforms

We discussed the European Union's assistance to Myanmar in meeting its challenges. With this visit today, we are opening a new chapter in our relations. The EU wants to step up cooperation and develop a partnership with the Government and people of Myanmar, focusing on three: enhancing democracy and human rights, developing economy and bringing our societies closer together

As a partner, the European Union will help Myanmar to achieve a lasting peace and a stable democracy. It will support the peace building efforts of the Myanmar Peace Centre and work closely with Myanmar's democratic institutions, including the Election Commission, in view of the 2015 elections. We will also step up the dialogue on human rights and rule of law

The European Union will also assist Myanmar to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth. The economic reforms will lay the foundation for achieving growth and prosperity. The European Union supports the vision of the government for a market economy and a level playing field for business. The European Union has launched the process to reinstate unhindered access to its market, including through preferential agreement; and we will also look at the feasibility of a bilateral investment agreement. We will keep our development assistance to address poverty reduction and sustainable development

Finally, the partnership will aim to bring Myanmar and the European Union societies closer together, promoting academic, media, tourism and cultural exchanges

Mr President, in wishing you a good continuation of your visit and success in your efforts for achieving a democratic and stable Myanmar, rest assured that you have in the European Union a committed and long term partner for the historic journey that Myanmar and its people have started

Finally, I thank you for your invitation to visit Myanmar