Barroso en Monti vastberaden over economie EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 27 februari 2013.

European Commission


Brussels, 27 February 2013

Joint declaration of European Commission President Barroso and Italian Prime Minister Monti after their meeting on 27 February 2013

Commission President José Manuel Barroso i and Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti i met today to discuss the preparation of the upcoming European Council, which will be devoted to the coordination of economic, fiscal and employment policies in the EU to boost growth and job creation, based on the Commission's Annual Growth Survey published on 28 November 2012.

They have discussed the Commission’s work in progress, following up to the December European Council, on contractual arrangements to raise competitiveness through structural reforms, which includes solidarity mechanisms to help Member States.

Both are convinced that continued and determined action at European and national levels is needed to ensure that the return of confidence into the euro area is sustained. The crisis is not yet over and efforts must not be relaxed. This implies pursuing commonly agreed and differentiated reform and consolidation efforts to create growth and jobs and enhancing competitiveness, while ensuring financial stability.

The commonly agreed approach also includes a strong social dimension, which is reflected in a variety of European Union policies and instruments (like the European Social Fund, the proposed youth guarantee or the future Youth Employment Initiative) that complement national action in order to protect the most vulnerable from the worst effects of the crisis.

Regarding the economic situation of Italy the Commission believes that Italy is undergoing an ambitious reform process that, if fully implemented, will significantly raise its growth potential. Italy has also put the public finances on a sounder footing which is an essential condition to ensure growth.

President Barroso underlined that the Commission remains committed to assist Italy and all the other EU Member States in this challenge.

President Barroso expressed his full confidence that Italy, as one of Europe's and the world's biggest economies, will ensure the conditions of political stability in the interest of Italy and Europe as a whole.