Voorzitter Europese Raad bespreekt programma Litouws EU-voorzitterschap en economie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 februari 2013.


Vilnius, 26 February 2013

EUCO 51/13 PRESSE 80 PR PCE 43

Remarks by President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy i after his meeting with President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaité i

Let me first of all say that I am very glad to be back in Lithuania. And let me also thank President Grybauskaité for her hospitality. Later today I will also meet Prime Minister Butkevicius

My meeting today with the President gave us the opportunity to discuss a number of current issues. Allow me to highlight a few of them here

Firstly on the upcoming Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Lithuania will become the first Baltic country to hold the rotating EU presidency. As for any of the EU's Member States, it will be a major challenge. You will be faced with a very heavy legislative agenda - including all the sector-specific legislation of the seven years budget. It should all be ready and adopted before the end of this year - that is - before the end of your Presidency. I am confident, however, that you will be fully up to the task as I know you have prepared thoroughly. And I look forward to be working even closer with you in that capacity

Secondly, we also had a chance to discuss the importance of our Eastern neighbours. I would like to thank the incoming Lithuanian Presidency for organising the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius end of November. I hope that we will have some important and tangible results as regards Association Agreements, including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas, with a number of our partners by then

Finally, we also discussed the economic and social situation in Europe. I am confident that 2012 marked a turning point in the crisis in the euro zone. While the financial situation is improving we should not fall into the trap of complacency. We also have to be fully aware that the economy is reacting with a time-lag: once stability starts coming back, it takes time before this is translated into more confidence, investment and growth. And as growth returns, it also takes time before the positive impact on employment starts kicking in

Member States have to continue reforming their economies. There is no alternative to that policy. There is no way back. And we must continue to move, gradually yet relentlessly, towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union. For this to happen, the European Council has set out a number of priorities for the months to come. Most importantly, rapid progress should be made towards a banking union that will help restore normal lending conditions to our economies. This is indispensable to strengthen growth and employment on a lasting basis

I look forward to the day when we will also welcome Lithuania as a member of the euro zone. But of course up to you to decide. We also discussed the outcome of the MFF for Lithuania and for the Union as a whole. The President played an active role in the discussions and I thank her for her important contribution. We now have to negotiate with the European Parliament in order to get their agreement