Ierse minister-president Enda Kenny en zijn Zweedse ambtsgenoot Fredrik Reinfeldt bespreken handel en EU-begroting in Dublin (en)
Taoiseach (Prime Minister of Ireland) Enda Kenny i today met with the Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Fredrik Reinfeldt i in Dublin for a meeting dominated by Presidency matters.
At the centre of the discussion was the contribution which greater trade and a more developed single market can make to jobs and growth. Both Sweden and Ireland are strong supporters of greater international trade as a means to adding jobs in the Union, as well as the potential which exists within a deeper and better functioning single market.
The leaders also discussed the European Union's seven year budget which was agreed by the European Council recently, and on which the consent of the European Parliament must now be obtained by the rotating Irish Presidency.
Also under discussion stability related issues relating to banking union and the semester process through which Member States subject their economies to greater scrutiny in order to ensure greater stability overall across the Union.