EU-VS handelsbesprekingen: EP-leden vol verwachting, maar ook voorzichtig (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 21 februari 2013.

International Trade Committee MEPs on Thursday strongly backed moves to start talks with the US on the world's biggest-ever trade deal but warned Commissioner Karel De Gucht i that hard bargaining would be needed to clinch a deal acceptable to the EU public.

"We all were wery happy when President Obama i announced the will to start transatlantic free trade negotiations," said Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl i (DE, EPP) at the start of the debate, echoed by Marietje Schaake i (ALDE, NL) who agreed that this was a historic moment and believed that the House shared "the political will to find a mutually beneficial and fair deal".

Difficult questions

However, almost all the MEPs in the debate highlighted systemic differences between the EU and the US, where strong public critcism could be expected. They stressed that public support was vital for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TRIP) to become a reality.

Vital Moreiria (S&D, PT), chair of the trade committee and responsible for relations with the US, said the biggest bone of contention in the talks would be animal and plant health standards. He wondered whether the EU would have to abandon its traditional precautionary approach in that area.

Other MEPs raised concerns over genetically modifiied crops and hormones in beef. Syed Kamall i (ECR, UK) pinpointed the need to protect the EU's geographical indication system.

Paul Murphy i (EUL/NGL, IRL) and Franziska Keller i (Grens/EFA, DE) asked whether the EP's positions on intellectual property rights and data protection would be respected and how the EP would be involved in the negotiating process. Several MEPs voiced fears about "sneaking ACTA in through the back door".

Next steps

The European Commission plans to submit a negotiating mandate to the Council in March. A unanimous Council decision is needed to launch the talks and is expected in mid-June. Negotiations are likely to take at least two years and the deal will have to be approved by the European Parliament.

In the chair: Vital Moreira i (S&D, PT)