Duitsland heeft doel begroting bereikt, mede dankzij Cameron (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 21 februari 2013, 10:12.

BERLIN - Angela Merkel i had a "strange alliance" with British PM David Cameron i during last week's EU summit resulting in a modest EU budget, said German opposition leader Peer Steinbrueck. "We need partners who see their future in Europe and not rely on those who want to leave," he told the Bundestag.

Germany has achieved all its goals in EU budget negotiations last week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has told the Bundestag. The main goal was to cap the budget at €960bn, the main concession for unspent money not to flow back to member states, something that may appease the European Parliament.

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