Tsjechische regering neemt stimuleringsplan voor ouderen aan (en)
The Czech Government approved on 13 February the National Action Plan Supporting Positive Ageing for 2013-17.
Prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in consultation with a wide range of experts and stakeholders, the document identifies seven priority areas to improve the lives of the elderly:
-Protection of the human rights of older persons
-Extension of Life-long Learning
-Employment of older workers
-Volunteering and intergenerational dialogue
-Generations-friendly environments
-Healthy ageing
-Social and Health Care for the elderly
Drafted throughout 2012, within the framework of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, the Action Plan aims to promote effective policies involving several ministries to tackle the effects of population ageing. The actions foreseen are based on a comprehensive approach, coordination and a consistent long-term perspective in order to maximize the potential of older workers and seniors.
Some of the specific objectives included in the document are: campaigns to increase awareness in society about the rights of older persons, formalize volunteering as a form of lifelong teaching, create new Universities of the Third Age programmes and establish cooperation with NGOs in order to create information and educational materials.
The complete National Action Plan and a research study analysing the latest demographic trends in the Czech Republic may be downloaded here.