NEOShield-project onderzoekt voorkomen inslag asteroïden en kometen op aarde (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Uitvoerend Agentschap Onderzoek (REA) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 19 februari 2013.

The scientific team of the NEOShield project, supported by €4 million of EU research funding, is working on three methods to prevent Near Earth Objects (NEOs), such as asteroids and comets, from colliding with the Earth. The final results are expected in May 2015, but the project has already triggered the interest of the international press as a result of last Friday's Russian meteorite strike.

The Guardian, TF1, El Mundo, Washington Post, Bild, ZDF, Die Welt, Le Figaro and Le Parisien are some of the media outlets that have recently reported on the project, which aims at investigating the most efficient ways to protect the Earth from impending collisions and developing mitigation plans and global response strategies.

The research is carried out by European, Russian and American partners.

The project is managed by the REA.

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