Iers voorzitterschap wil meer aandacht voor kwaliteit opleiders van docenten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 19 februari 2013.

At a Presidency conference hosted by the Teaching Council, the professional body for teaching in Ireland, policy-makers and education practitioners discussed how policies in support of teacher educators can improve school education.

The quality of teacher educators has been identified by the EU Member States and the Commission as an important contributor to the overall quality of education systems. The aim of the conference was to contribute to more clarity about the kind of policies that can support the selection, induction and further professional development of teacher educators.

Speaking at the conference, Xavier Prats Monné, Deputy Director-General for Education and Culture at the European Commission, said: "The time to support the teaching professions in Europe is now. Developing the competences of teaching staff and school leaders - including those who have been in the profession for a long time - must be a continuing and increasingly urgent priority in all EU Member States."

For conference results, speeches and background reading, visit the conference website: "Integration, Innovation and Improvement - The Professional Identity of Teacher Educators", Dublin, 18-19 February 2013

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