Eurocommissaris Hahn in Griekenland voor herstel Griekse regio's (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Regionaal beleid en Stadsontwikkeling (REGIO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 februari 2013.

Commissioner Hahn in Western Greece and Peloponnese to push for an approach to EU investments that delivers jobs

Commissioner Johannes Hahn i is in Greece from 14-15 February pushing for the most efficient and effective use of the country's main source of public investment - EU Regional Funds. On this leg of his tour of the country's 13 regions he is urging local business and regional representatives to use Regional Funds for growth and innovation and calling for more targeted spending to create new jobs; in particular in research and development, support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and sustainable tourism. He will also seek the elimination of illegal landfill sites, which deter potential investors and badly affect people’s quality of life, to be replaced by modern waste management plants. These can be co-financed through EU Regional Policy. Commissioner Hahn meets Western Greece Regional Governor, Apostolos Katsifaras in Patras as well as regional representatives, NGOs and business representatives in the Peloponnese region, to discuss how to best target EU investment to build on the regions' strengths and to create the maximum impact.

Video and photo coverage will be available on Ebs:

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