Eerste voortgangsrapportage Kosovo in weg naar liberalisering visa (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Migratie en Binnenlandse Zaken (HOME) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 12 februari 2013.

The Commission presented today the first report on the progress achieved by Kosovo in fulfilling the requirements of the visa liberalisation roadmap. It evaluated Kosovo’s progress in each block of the visa roadmap and made a set of recommendations for the Kosovo authorities in areas where more decisive action is needed to obtain visa-free travel for its citizens.

The report was discussed today at a meeting in Pristina between senior officials' from both sides, led by Director General Stefano Manservisi for DG Home Affairs and Minister for European Integration Vlora Çitaku.

For more information:

IP/13/108: First Commission report on progress by Kosovo towards visa liberalisation

Commission report on progress by Kosovo in fulfilling the requirements of the visa liberalisation roadmap pdf - 221 KB [221 KB]