EP-voorzitter Schulz feliciteert Miloš Zeman met overwinning Tsjechische presidentsverkiezingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 27 januari 2013.

Commenting on the results of the Presidential elections in the Czech, European Parliament President Martin Schulz i said: Republic

"I congratulate Miloš Zeman on winning the Presidential elections in the Czech Republic, becoming the third head of state since 1993.

The Czech people who have chosen a President with strong European credentials, who as Prime Minister helped to negotiate European Union membership for the Czech Republic. I look forward to cooperating with him.

"In our difficult economic times, the Head of State is especially important in supporting people in their daily challenges and encouraging the government to deal with their problems effectively.

I am confident that Miloš Zeman will be a President of dialogue and reconciliation, under whose stewardship the Czech Republic will play an important role in our debate about the future of Europe."