Gezamenlijke verklaring 6e EU-Brazilië top (en)
Brasilia, 24 January 2013
VI Brazil-EU Summit Joint Statement
The VI EU-Brazil Summit was held on January 24, 2013 in Brasilia. The Federative Republic of Brazil was represented by its President, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, who was accompanied by the Minister of External Relations, Ambassador Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, the Minister of Finance, Guido Mantega, the Minister of Education, Aloizio Mercadante, the Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Fernando Pimentel, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marco Antonio Raupp, the Minister of Environment, Izabella Teixeira, the Head of the Secretariat of Civil Aviation, Minister Wagner Bittencourt and the Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, José Carlos Vaz. The EU was represented by the President of the European Council, Mr. Herman Van Rompuy i, and the President of the European Commission, Mr. José Manuel Durao Barroso i
2.The shared values and principles on which the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership
stands were once again reflected in the firm commitment of the Leaders to the principles of democracy and the rule of law, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, the promotion of sustainable development with social inclusion and the protection of international peace and security. The parties agreed to further strengthen their bilateral political dialogue, in order to promote their convergence of views on issues of the global agenda and favoured the rapprochement of positions in international fora. They reiterated the importance of a strong and effective multilateral system, based upon international law in tackling the many challenges that the world faces
3.The Leaders emphasized the consistent strengthening of the ties between Brazil and the EU and welcomed the progress of the Strategic Partnership and the advances in the implementation of the Joint Action Plan 2012-2014. They also expressed their satisfaction with the development of the bilateral Sectoral Dialogues, which involve initiatives in some 30 different areas
4.They noted with satisfaction the significant volumes of bilateral trade and investment flows. In this context, they expressed satisfaction with the EU keeping its status as Brazil's main trading partner and largest investor in the country, as well as with the continued expansion of Brazilian investments in the EU, turning Brazil into the fifth largest investor. The Leaders emphasized, on the one hand, the growing interest of European companies to establish or expand their presence in Brazil, including through public-private partnerships - and, on the other hand, the increasing competitiveness of Brazilian companies in the European market
5.They stressed the importance of further strengthening contacts between their business communities, with a view to promoting bilateral trade and investment, as well as exchanges in innovation, research and development. In that regard, they took note of the recommendations of the VI EU-Brazil Business Summit, held in Brasilia on January 23, 2013, which emphasized the need to support micro, small and medium enterprises
6.While exchanging views on the state of their respective economies and on current challenges to the world economy, they hailed the substantial progress made by the Euro area in implementing its comprehensive crisis response strategy and the measures announced by the European Union deepening economic integration in the region. Further, they stressed the need for all G-20 members to make additional efforts towards promoting strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth, as essential elements for a lasting recovery from the international economic crisis. In order to create conditions more favourable to the growth and stability of the global economy, they agreed on the need to keep making progress in reforming the international financial architecture and in implementing the international financial regulation agenda in a full, timely and consistent manner
7.The Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the successful conclusion of the World Trade Organization's Doha Development Round. As a first step towards this objective, Leaders emphasized the importance of achieving a successful conclusion of the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference in December 2013, and agreed on the need to accelerate negotiations in Geneva on those issues that may form part of an agreement. Leaders further agreed on the importance of the Round and of adhering to the principles contained in the Doha Agenda. They also reaffirmed their commitment to resist protectionism and refrain from raising trade and investment barriers or trade distorting subsidies
8.The Leaders hailed the signature, in June 2012, of the Memorandum of Understanding establishing a dialogue on agriculture and acknowledged the increased quality of cooperation in the Sanitary and Phytosanitary field and the need to bring about tangible and good results for both sides, on a predictable and scientific basis while ensuring the protection of the respective levels of human, animal, and plant health. They commit to further strengthen the relationships in the sanitary and phytosanitary field, making full use of the existing instruments such as the SPS Consultation Mechanism
9.The Leaders expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the 18th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and of the 8th Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, held in Doha in November and December 2012. They reiterated the commitment of both parties to an ambitious international effort, which respects all the principles of the Convention, with a view to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Leaders reaffirmed the commitment of Brazil and the European Union to the negotiation of a protocol, another international legal instrument, or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention, applicable to all Parties, to be agreed by 2015 and to be implemented from 2020
10.They emphasized the significant and consistent reduction in the deforestation rate in the Amazon biome achieved by Brazil. They expressed their support to further EU-Brazil technical cooperation with the view to replicate and scale up these achievements in other biomes and other countries which are now attempting the same in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) objectives
11.On Biodiversity, they stressed the importance that the EU and Brazil keep working bilaterally and within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in order to implement the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, as well as reach the ambitious Aichi Targets, agreed in 2010, which include the entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing. They also underlined the importance of greater international cooperation to ensure a successful implementation of all the decisions taken at the eleventh meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 11) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
12.The Leaders expressed their satisfaction with the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20) held in Rio de Janeiro from 20 to 22 June 2012, and stressed the importance of fully implementing its final document, "The Future We Want". They reiterated that poverty eradication is the greatest global challenge today, and reaffirmed that poverty eradication, changing unsustainable patterns of consumption and production and protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development are the overarching objectives of, and essential requirements for, sustainable development. They pledged to work together in the process of defining the Sustainable Development Goals, which should be coherent with and integrated into the UN development agenda beyond 2015, thus contributing to the achievement of sustainable development. Reaffirming the role of the UN General Assembly, the Leaders underscored the importance of a strengthened institutional framework for sustainable development, including by strengthening the ECOSOC and the UN Environment Programme, and ensuring the prompt establishment of the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. Looking ahead, the leaders agreed to work together constructively in reviewing the Millennium Development Goals and developing a post-2015 UN development framework
13.On energy matters, the Leaders emphasized the need to promote guaranteed universal access to all forms of energy. They also agreed to strengthen cooperation in the multilateral field
14.The Leaders welcomed the role of renewable energy in expanding, access to energy, promoting local development in a sustainable manner, and helping to reduce poverty. In this regard, they stressed the importance of Brazil and the EU in global efforts
to promote renewable energy sources. Renewables, as well as energy efficiency and low-energy models for sustainable development, are to be developed by each party according to its capabilities and needs
15.Regarding the need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in the transportation sector, the Leaders reiterated the importance of biofuels as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. They recognized the potential of sustainable production and use of bioenergy to generate income and jobs, increase access to clean energy and develop agricultural production. They agreed to boost cooperation to promote sustainable production and sustainable use of bioenergy
16.With regard to emissions of the aviation sector, Brazil and the EU stressed their engagement to finding consensually agreed multilateral solutions that are consistent with the principles and provisions of the UNFCCC and of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Both sides confirmed their active and continued support to the ongoing High Level Group process at the ICAO
17.Both sides shared views on the convenience of exchanging good practices concerning safety of offshore oil exploitation installations
18.The Leaders welcomed the results of the IV Meeting under the Regular Dialogue on Energy Policy between Brazil and the EU. They highlighted in particular the possibilities of expanding bilateral cooperation in research and development in renewable energy, joint initiatives in energy efficiency, as well as the establishment of an equivalence agreement recognizing the compatibility of Brazilian legislation and European sustainability requirements for biofuels
19.With regard to international peace and security, the Leaders discussed the developments in North Africa and the Middle East. They expressed serious concern about the current situation in Syria, including the exceptionally grievous situation of the Syrian population and stressed the need to stop all violence immediately, so that a Syrian-led political process, with the support of the international community, can begin. They agreed that the current situation in Syria can have unforeseen negative consequences for the stability in the Middle East and for international peace and security. They stressed the importance that the international community extends its firm and effective support to the efforts of the Joint Special Representative of the UN and the Arab League, Lakhdar Brahimi, in finding a political solution to the crisis based on the principles included in the Geneva Communiqué of the Action Group on Syria of 30 June, 2012. They emphasized the importance of intensified efforts by the UN Security Council. They also recalled the role of the UN Human Rights Council, including its Independent International Commission of Inquiry, in helping to assess the human rights situation in the country, and of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
20.On the Middle East Peace Process, the Leaders stressed that bold and concrete steps towards peace must be taken. Following the upgrading of Palestine's status at the UN to that of non-member observer state, they underlined the renewed urgency for the parties to engage constructively in structured and substantial peace efforts, and for a resumption of direct and substantial negotiations aimed at achieving the two state solution. The EU and Brazil reiterated the shared aim of a comprehensive solution to the conflict, leading to two states living side by side in peace and security and mutual recognition
21.The EU and Brazil strongly oppose Israeli plans to expand settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in particular plans to develop the El area. They reiterated that settlements are illegal under international law, detrimental to the two state solution, and constitute an obstacle to peace
22.They called on the parties to undertake steps to build the necessary mutual trust that will facilitate progress towards a negotiated solution] [They called on the parties not to undertake steps which would deepen the lack of trust and lead further away to a negotiated solution
23.Brazil and the European Union reaffirmed their determination and commitment to seeking a negotiated solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, which would restore international confidence in the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme. The Leaders reiterated the need for cooperation between Iran and the IAEA in order to resolve outstanding issues. They expressed their support to the continuation of the dialogue between Iran and the E3+3 led by the EU High Representative, based on the Non-proliferation Treaty, the IAEA Board of Governors, relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, and the principles of a step by step approach and reciprocity
24.Leaders expressed their deep concern for the situation in Mali and condemned in the strongest terms the violent acts being carried out by armed rebel forces, including terrorist groups, against Malian government forces. The leaders commended efforts of the international community to provide immediate humanitarian assistance to the civil population in the conflict zone. In addition, they called on all sides to do their utmost to protect civilians and respect International Humanitarian Law as well as International Human Rights Law. They noted the need for the UN Security Council to monitor and follow closely the implementation of its resolution 2085 (2012). They also noted that political progress in the transition process is needed to ensure Mali's long-term stability and called upon the Malian authorities to urgently present a roadmap for the restoration of democracy and constitutionality in the country
25.They shared their serious concerns on the present political and institutional crisis in Guinea Bissau and the severe socio-economic hardship endured by its citizens. They noted recent steps towards political inclusion in the transition process, regretted that insufficient progress has been made in overcoming the situation, and highlighted the need for urgent and intensified efforts to ensure the restoration of constitutional order in the country. Leaders welcomed the sending of the joint assessment mission by the UN-AU-ECOWAS-CPLP-EU to Bissau, and expressed their confidence that its report will be a significant step in the efforts of international partners to help Guinea-Bissau make substantial and timely progress in holding free, fair and transparent presidential and legislative elections and reforming its Defence and Security sector
26.The Leaders reaffirmed the need to promote human rights in all their dimensions. They agreed to deepen their bilateral dialogue and, in this context, further reinforce their exchanges with the civil society
27.They welcomed the progress made in implementing their mutual commitment to further strengthening cooperation within the UN Human Rights Council. In particular, they hailed the joint organization of a side-event to its 20th session on "Women Human Rights Defenders"
28.Regarding the current efforts to improve the promotion and protection of human rights, they agreed on the need to defend and promote the moratorium on the death penalty in all relevant multilateral fora, and underlined other areas of particular interest such as: civil and political rights for all, freedom of expression, non-discrimination and freedom of religion or belief, combating racism and xenophobia, rights of women and children, gender equality, rights of indigenous peoples, Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community, human rights defenders, access to food and education, and combating torture
29.Determined to further cooperation between Brazil and the European Union, they decided to formally establish a high-level dialogue on matters pertaining to international peace and security, including peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Such dialogue will take the form of annual consultations between senior officials to be designated by each party and held at a mutually agreed time and venue
30.Brazil and the EU reaffirmed their commitment to working together to support and strengthen the multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation treaties and agreements and to fully implement their international obligations. The leaders agreed to pursue their dialogue on non-proliferation and disarmament, including on issues such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review process, Conference on Disarmament, entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the Arms Trade Treaty
31.They also agreed to discuss other issues of the international agenda, such as the process towards an International Code of Conduct on Outer Space Activities
32.Aware of the importance of a comprehensive approach on the global drug problem, within the framework of the principle of common and shared responsibility, and taking into account the dimensions of the prevention of the use of illicit substances, of social development and of promotion and protection of human rights, they underscored the importance of conducting the first meeting of the EU-Brazil Sector Dialogue on Drugs in Brussels in 2013. Brazil and the EU will also continue enhancing the dialogue on issues of public security, including the issues of corruption, money laundering, drug trafficking and human trafficking, in the multilateral and bilateral contexts
33.Both sides expressed their will to work together to strengthen the effectiveness of international development cooperation, and stressed the importance of the Development Cooperation Forum of the ECOSOC and the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Korea (November / December 2011). Both parties will support the international community in promoting a global partnership for development
34.With respect to humanitarian cooperation, they reiterated the commitment of Brazil and the EU to engage in humanitarian aid, in particular through multilateral agencies
35.On the EU-MERCOSUR Bi-regional Association Agreement, the Leaders examined the course of negotiations since their re-launch in May 2010, in light of the shared commitment to reach an ambitious, comprehensive and balanced result. They welcomed the progress already made in the normative part, agreeing that the continued advancement of the negotiation process requires, at this point, the discussion of preferential access to their respective markets, including the exchange of market access offers. Accordingly, they supported further talks on the negotiations between the EU and
Mercosur on January 26, 2013, in the margins of the EU-CELAC Summit, to be held in Santiago of Chile, with the aim of discussing on how to proceed for the next stage of negotiations
36.Still in the bi-regional sphere, the Leaders expressed their support for a successful First CELAC-EU Summit, taking place on 26 and 27 January 2013 in Santiago of Chile. They agreed on the importance of promoting and implementing the social and environmental dimensions of bi-regional investments and also recognized the need for the intensification of the dialogue between the EU and CELAC in the current context of the economic crisis
37.The Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to promoting bilateral dialogue in science, technology and innovation (ST & I) and hailed the renewal, in August 2012, of the Agreement for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the European Union and Brazil for further five years. Moreover, they welcomed the signature of the Cooperation Arrangement between the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) for scientific and cooperative activities in fields of common interest, as a follow-up to the Letter of Intent signed during the V EU-Brazil Summit in October 2011. In particular, the Cooperation Arrangement confirms the engagement of the JRC and the MCTI to undertake training and cooperation activities under the Brazilian mobility programme "Science Without Borders", building on prior successful cooperation in the area of disaster prevention and mitigation related to the creation of CEMAD (Brazilian National Centre for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters)
38.They also hailed the results of the V Meeting of the Brazil-EU Steering Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (Brasilia, November 21 and 22, 2011), which featured broad participation of Brazilian government agencies and research and development institutions (R&D) and the European Commission. They agreed that the VI Meeting of the Brazil-EU Bilateral Steering Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation in mid-2013, in Brussels, should provide an opportunity to upgrade and more strategically orient, the bilateral cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, and also identify the most suitable financial instruments on both sides. Consideration will be given "inter alia" to the participation of Brazil in the "Horizon 2020" programme and that of the EU and its Member States in the "Science Without Borders" programme
39.They also welcomed the recent completion of legislative requisites in Brazil for the coming into force of the Agreement for Cooperation between the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and Brazil in the field of fusion energy research
40.They welcomed the results of the fifth meeting of the Brazil - European Union Dialogue on Information Society held in Brussels on 21 and 22 November 2012. They highlighted in particular the advancement of bilateral cooperation in research and development and on Internet governance, as well as the exchange of experiences in areas such as regulation of telecommunications and broadband development. They reaffirmed their mutual interest in expanding and deepening their cooperation in the field of information and communications technology with the view to maximize the opportunities these technologies bring, in particular through strengthening the open character of the internet and protecting freedom of expression online
41.The Leaders reviewed the situation of the Comprehensive Agreement on Air Transport and confirmed their commitment to arrive at its signature as soon as possible, in view of the significant economic benefits that it will generate for both sides
42.By emphasizing the importance of education and research as requirements for a fair and sustainable economic development, the Leaders hailed the important role that the Member States of the European Union and the European Commission are playing as partners of the Science Without Borders Programme in Brazil. They agreed to consolidate the EU-Brazil partnership in education, especially through the strengthening and expansion of academic mobility platforms. They also expressed satisfaction with the actions taken under the Erasmus Mundus and Marie Curie Programmes of the EU
43.The Leaders noted the importance of continuing to involve the civil society in the bilateral dialogue. They welcomed the results of the VI Meeting of the EU-Brazil Civil Society Roundtable, between the Brazilian Council for Economic and Social Development and the European Economic and Social Committee, held in Rio de Janeiro on June 19, 2012, in the margins of the Rio +20 Conference, as well as of the VII meeting held in Brussels on 22-23 January 2013
44.They also welcomed the decision by the European Commission and the Brazilian Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) to sign the Charter of Brasilia, which establishes future actions within the project of trilateral cooperation to support electoral processes in African Portuguese Speaking Countries (PALOP) and East Timor. Furthermore they expressed satisfaction with the signature of the Administrative Memorandum of Understanding on Technical Cooperation in the Area of Animal Welfare between the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Directorate General of Heath and Consumers of the European Commission, as well as with the additional EU financing of 5.5 million Euros to support a new phase of the "Brazil- EU Sectoral Dialogues Support Facility" project
45.The Leaders stressed the common cultural heritage of Brazil and the EU and reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening cultural cooperation for the benefit of their peoples, within the framework of the Joint Declaration on Culture signed by the Ministry of Culture of Brazil and the European Commission in May 2009. They expressed positive expectations regarding the continuity of the cooperation activities under the Joint Programme on Culture 2011-2014, signed on the sidelines of the V Brazil-EU Summit in 2011
46.Finally, Brazil and the EU welcomed the entry into force of the agreement on shortstay visa-waiver for ordinary passports holders on October 1, 2012