Meer geld en tijd beschikbaar voor trans-Europese netwerkprojecten (en)
Organisations wishing to take advantage of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) funding now have some extra time - and extra budget - to do so. Thanks to more money becoming available under the 2013 TEN-T Work Programme, an additional €332 million has been added to the 2012 TEN-T multi-annual programme, under the area of TEN-T Priority Projects. Deadline for proposal submissions has now been extended to 26 March 2013 for all 6 fields of the multi-annual work programme. Please note that the deadline for proposal submissions for the 2012 TEN-T annual programme still remains the same: 28 February 2013.
The Calls were launched 28 November 2012. As a reminder, the 2012 multi-annual call focuses on six fields with now €1.347 billion of total indicative budget available:
-The 30 TEN-T Priority Projects: indicative budget now €1.057 billion (increased from €725 million)
-European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS), enabling interoperability on the European rail network: indicative budget €100 million
-River Information Services (RIS), involving traffic management infrastructure on the inland waterway network: indicative budget €10 million
-Air Traffic Management (ATM), implementing the Single European Sky and ATM modernisation objectives: indicative budget €50 million
-Motorways of the Sea (MoS) providing viable alternatives for congested roads by shifting freight to sea routes: indicative budget €80 million
-Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS), promoting inter-modality and improvement of the safety and reliability of the network: indicative budget €50 million
The annual programme complements the multi-annual programme and directs funding to four distinct priorities with a total indicative budget of €250 million and a deadline that remains on 28 February 2013:
-Acceleration/facilitation of the implementation of TEN-T projects (studies and works for mature projects for all modes, as part of the projects of common interest): indicative budget €150 million
-Measures to promote innovation and new technologies for transport infrastructure and facilities contributing to decarbonisation or the reduction of external costs in general: indicative budget €40 million
-Support to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and innovative financial instruments: indicative budget €25 million
-Support to the long term implementation of the TEN-T, in particular corridors: indicative budget €35 million
The TEN-T Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) manages the technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme, under the auspices of Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.
Specific information about the calls is available on the specific calls page.