Agenda EP: landbouwhervormingen, crisis en kernenergie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 21 januari 2013.

The future of the EU's common agricultural policy will be discussed by agriculture committee MEPs this week. They will vote on four proposals, which will shape Parliament's position on the reform that is being planned. Meanwhile a delegation of MEPs will meet their Latin-American counterparts in Chile. Other topics on the agenda this week include professional qualifications, the crisis and nuclear safety.

Farm policy reform

The EP's agriculture committee will vote on Wednesday and Thursday on four reports concerning the planned reform of the EU's common agricultural policy. These proposals concern direct payments to farmers, support for rural development, the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products as well as the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy.


The economic and monetary affairs committee will discuss the best way to tackle the crisis with Italian finance minister Vittorio Grilli on Monday and with Irish finance minister Michael Noonan on Tuesday.

The internal market committee will vote on a proposal to make it easier to get professional qualifications recognised in another member state on Wednesday. On Thursday the committee will also vote on a proposed update of procurement rules in order to make better use of public money in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors.

Foreign affairs

A delegation of MEPs will take part in the sixth ordinary session of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly in Chile from Wednesday to Friday. On the agenda are food security, education and the fight against corruption.

Female MPs from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya will visit Parliament from Monday to Thursday to exchange views with MEPs on the gender balance in politics, reaching out to citizens and parliaments' budgetary role. The visit has been organised by the Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy under the auspices of French MEP Tokia Saifi, a member of the EPP group.

Nuclear safety

The energy committee will vote on Thursday on a draft resolution on the evaluation of the safety of nuclear plants after stress plants were carried out throughout the EU.