EU cofinanciert veiligheidsstudies voor ringweg Stockholm (en)
The European Union will support to the tune of €1.4 million from the TEN-T Programme a project to help ensure road and tunnel safety on the Stockholm bypass in Sweden. The project, which is part of the "Nordic Triangle railway/road axis" (TEN-T Priority Project 12), will help ensure the highest safety standards on the planned new road bypass.
The project, which was selected for funding under the 2011 TEN-T Annual Call, will cover important safety and security studies and tests for the Stockholm bypass. As 18 km of the planned new motorway will be in tunnels, these studies aim to prevent and reduce accidents (especially in tunnels) and provide technical information required for the construction of the tunnel safety exits.
Several activities will be carried out as part of the co-financed project, including the construction of full scale models as well as comprehensive testing for safety measures. Some of the main areas of activity include:
-the fixed fire fighting system
-testing of evacuation messages in a simulated environment
-research studies on behaviour during tunnel accidents, including recommendations for the tunnel design
-a study on the preferred choice of smoke and fire detection systems
The project will be managed by the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency and is set to be completed by December 2014.
For more information, please consult the project's page!
Press Release in Swedish - .doc (39.5 KB)