Raad unaniem akkoord met vangstquota voor 2013 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 20 december 2012.

At the last Agriculture and Fisheries Council under the Cyprus Presidency, the important and difficult issue of fishing TACs (Total allowable catches) and quotas was successfully completed after long and tough negotiations. The agreement was reached with unanimity. The Council, which started on Tuesday, December 18 and finished today, Thursday 20 December, also endorsed the political agreement on cod that had been reached by the Council on Tuesday.

After two days of intensive consultations, the Council reached a political agreement on total allowable catches and fishing effort limits for 2013 for the Atlantic, the North Sea, the international waters regulated by Regional Fisheries Maritime Organisations and for the fishing opportunities in the Black sea. The Council also adopted a political agreement on the Presidency’s proposal for the Cod Management Plan, which was closely linked to the internal TACs and quotas.

TACs and Quotas are set for the most important species that are fished by the EU Fishing vessels in waters under the jurisdiction of the EU but also in international waters. Fishing opportunities are proposed by the Commission and are decided by the Council.

Cyprus’ Minister of Agriculture, Natural resources and the Environment, Mr. Sophoclis Aletraris, who chaired the Council, said:

“After long discussions and consultations, the Council reached to an agreement on the presidency compromise proposals which were based mainly on the scientific advice, the goal for achieving maximum sustainable yield by 2015, where possible, and a case by case approach to tackling each TAC.”